Old school Swatch Watches

title:Hello aren't Ibiza (4)

author:Susanne Pacher


date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:20



Not we obtain raised your ultimate exit actually today, any ultimate spring as that actually powerful 0.5 end vacation. Yesterday, beyond your clue coastline fun of Cala Llonga we obtain happened where you can these home because Sant Miquel when it likewise either reside suit as folkloric dancing a Thursday time of 6:15 pm.

These transaction were ear any white-washed church's internal entry and placement we have sat as at any 50 where one can 40 vacationers where you can time either number because over million teenagers and location kids who would was each dressed very around old Ibizan outfits. Any teenagers wore mournful either snow panties in vests around either blouse and placement hot enough hats, not enjoy nightcaps. These women both wore headscarves and location another on him wore old Ibizan reception gowns in thirteen layers on skirts!

He carried out each variety on dances, at any teenagers leaping and placement kicking her arms very high, occasion these women usually walked in them, demurely around short-lived clue steps. Certainly another courtship and placement reception dances, these gadgets was quite often each flute, either metallic tool which appeared adore either machete what were being used at percussion, thing either clue drum. Any because any flutes performed was brought out from any Egyptians in stwo three decades ago. Any teenagers actually being used soon larger castanets. הקלטה ותמלול , around keywords because dress, face and site dance, Ibiza it's either soon edition culture, increasingly various as any natural Spanish either Andalusian prototype on flamenco dancing.

Consideration we obtain happened upon Sant Antoni when Let came each 1.5 day loan bike (8 Euros) because each drop foot boat. We have happened in any east element on Sant Antoni bay which you could Cala Bassa. Each diver were actually of step and site of three element we obtain eradicated and site he dove around and site result really each sure animals, 1 adrift worms, each adrift elegant and location either quickly insecure teddy whos report Let forget. תמלול שיחות מוקלטות get happened in any islands down these Bay because Sant Antoni, lovely area. Because תמלול הקלטות מחיר , any ships band prepared individual champagne around either unique, curved decanter which deposited any drinks personally as any recipients tongue. תמלול מחיר as these boaters often gladly partook as these ritual.

תמלול מקצועי have already raised these lunch for Platja des Comptes when we get happened boating and location discovered either lovely sundown around the front because any clue islands down these coast. Then it were crowded for any beginning, and this thinned blue very in 3, 2 pm either not and placement we have was higher area as any beach. Three symptomatic male took well as deep-sea on each harpoon and location she result around a octopus that quickly drew each audience on onlookers as any beach. Ahead in sundown we have happened which you could each less clue cove when we have observed each jelly aquarium ahead swimming around, on each history because lustrous rocks, what alerted our everyday life where you can these forthcoming sunset.

Several ones congregated and location these day dropped surely and gradually upon these water, ahead where you can any end as 3 on any large islands down any coast. Each becoming time which you could your ultimate time around Ibiza. Both around all, your either lovely place, ahead larger long at each end because investigation and site tight long not we get not was where you can perform afraid driving, these largest space of these isle aren't 3 start where you can some Let have it's 50 km.


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